For 2024 the deadline is September 25Th
Please Review the Amendment Guides below for each section.
Procedures & Playing Rule Changes Upload
Amendments to the OBA Procedures and Playing Rules:
- Amendments to these OBA Procedures and Playing Rules may be proposed by:
- the Board of Directors; or
- the Rep Council; or
- the Select Council; or
- an Affiliated Association in good standing; or
- a Loop Association in good standing; or
- a Select community baseball association in good standing.
- Proposed amendments must be submitted at the OBA Office by a deadline set by the Board.
- Proposed amendments to sections A1.01 through A6.01, and A15.01 shall be approved by Members as follows:
- All Rep Members, Select Members, Board Members and Local Members shall have the right to vote with the voting points assigned to them in the OBA By-laws.
- Changes will be approved by a simple majority of eligible voters present.
- Proposed amendments to sections A6.01 through A14.01 can be approved by Board of Directors.
OBA Procedures and Playing Rules
Amendments to the Rep Procedures and Playing Rules:
- Amendments to the Rep Division Procedures and Playing Rules
- An amendment to the Rep Division Procedures and Playing Rules may only be made at a Rep Annual Division Meeting or Rep Special Division Meeting and must be approved by a majority of the votes cast in respect of such amendments in order to carry. Notice of any proposed amendment must be filed with the OBA Office in writing by September 25th prior to the Rep Annual Meeting and the OBA Office shall then electronically forward a copy to each Affiliated Association no later than November first, before the Rep Annual Meeting. Amendments passed and carried shall become effective at the conclusion of the Rep Annual Meeting at which they are passed.
- An amendment may only be proposed by the Rep Council or by Local Association or Affiliated Association in good standing.
- At a Rep Annual Division Meeting, the Rep Council may propose a resolution for an experiment that differs from the Rep Procedures and Playing Rules. This experiment may be put into effect as an experiment for no more than 2 years. In order to be adopted, the resolution must be approved by 2/3 of the votes cast in respect of the resolution and would be subject to annual review by the Rep Council. Any references in the Rep Division Procedures and Playing Rules that are contrary to the experiment are suspended while the experiment is in progress. Once the time period for the experiment has expired, unless an amendment to the Rep Division Procedures and Playing Rules is adopted with respect to the subject matter of the experiment, the resolution shall be of no further force and effect and the suspension of any references in the Rep Division Procedures and Playing Rules shall be removed.
Rep Procedures and Playing Rules
Amendments to the Select Procedures and Playing Rules:
- Articles of the Select Division Procedures and Playing Rules may only be amended at the Select Annual Division Meeting, or a Select Special Division Meeting called for that purpose.
- Select Members desiring to amend the Select Division Procedures and Playing Rules shall submit such amendment(s) in writing, signed by the proponents to the OBA Office by September 25th.
- Amendments must be approved by a majority of the votes cast by voting members present.
- At a Select Annual Meeting, the Select Council may propose a resolution for an experiment that differs from the Select Procedures and Playing Rules. This experiment may be put into effect as an experiment for no more than 2 years. In order to be adopted, the resolution must be approved by 2/3 of the votes cast in respect of the resolution and would be subject to annual review by the Select Council. Any references in the Select Division Procedures and Playing Rules that are contrary to the experiment are suspended while the experiment is in progress. Once the time period for the experiment has expired, unless an amendment to the Select Division Procedures and Playing Rules is adopted with respect to the subject matter of the experiment, the resolution shall be of no further force and effect and the suspension of any references in the Select Division Procedures and Playing Rules shall be removed.
Select Procedures and Playing Rules